Sample Request

Congratulations! You are on your way to start a beautiful diapering journey with your little one using MamyPoko baby diapers.
Get your FREE MamyPoko diaper samples TODAY and be part of Poko-Chan Point Program for exciting goodies and member’s benefits!
Click the button below to request your sample now!
Fill in your personal and sample request details.
Confirm your Poko Chan Point Program Membership details. Click “Submit” button once done.
Registering Poko chan Point Program membership before completing the process.
(If you already our member, you can skip this process)
A free sample will be sent to your home.
Samples Offered
These are our product lineup. You can refer the details of our products before requesting the samples.
MamyPoko Air Fit Tape(NB/S)
MamyPoko Pants Air Fit(L Boy & Girl)
MamyPoko Extra Dry Organic(NB/S)
MamyPoko Extra Dry Pants (M/L)
MamyPoko Extra Dry Protect Tape (M/L)
MamyPoko Standard Tape (S/M/L)
MamyPoko Standard Pants (M/L)
Terms & Conditions
・You can request 1 products per 1 time (product variant - size) for the sample pack and the same “product variant – size” won’t be able to request several times.
・Delivery of samples requested takes a duration of between 4-6 weeks.
・Sample requests are for legal residents of Malaysia with a valid postal address.
・Sample requests with incomplete personal details will not be entertained.
・Uni-Charm Corporation Sdn Bhd reserves its right to edit or cancel this programme with or without any prior notice and reason.
・In order to complete your sample request, kindly register yourself with Poko Chan Point Program.